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Mauri Monitoring App launched with Tapuika Iwi, Waitaha Iwi and Ngāti Whakaue ki Maketu

Mahi Maioro Professionals enjoyed the launch of the Waiora Mauri Monitoring App that has been created for Tapuika Iwi, Waitaha Iwi and Ngāti Whakaue ki Maketu. The initiative to develop this tool originated from the Environmental Consent conditions for the Water Treatment Plant intake being built on the Waiāri. Maru, Darlene, Dean and Maria successfully advanced this kaupapa in the hearings on behalf of their Iwi with the inclusion of the condition for monitoring of mauri and mauriora.

The launch of the Waiora Mauri Monitoring App provides proof of concept and as additional indicators are defined these will be added to the App. There is currently reporting of taiao mauri indicators for characteristics of the water sampled and Iwi mauriora indicators for the cultural flow and marae (under development). The addition of real-time remote sensor monitoring and the wānanga series with Iwi will further enhance the understanding of changes in the mauri. Deployment of the mobile monitoring equipment is also planned and a further update will provided when this is completed.

The Waiāri Kaitiaki Advisory Group Iwi representatives and staff form Tauranga City Council were present at the launch which took place on Thursday 6 October.

Find out more about Tapuika group here.


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